PaEl 1
Published 2 July 24
Cropped RGB Ha OIII image of PaEl 1. Click on image for full resolution view

Inverted Ha image of PaEl 1, exposure time 10.26hrs

Inverted OIII image of PaEl 1, exposure time 4hrs
About this object
Patchick/Elmore 1 (PaEl1) was discovered in January 2022 by Dana Patchick and David Elmore. It's currently thought that this object is a nova shell from the cataclysmic variable star SY Cancri. SY Cancri varies in magnitude from 10.5 to 14.5 over a period of 27.3 days. The size listed is 8 arc minutes, however the emission area measured in the image is larger at 18 arc minutes. This smaller size may have been a result of the original discovery image being not as deep as this one. The two inverted Ha and OIII images show that this object has both Ha and OIII emission. The OIII emission is much smaller and seems fainter although we only were able to acquire 4hrs of OIII due to imaging this late in the season. More OIII will be added next season.
The image was acquired by Jon Talbot and Calvin Carter using a Planewave Delta Rho 350 and ZWO ASI 461 camera from Deep Sky Observatories Collective in Ft Davis Texas.
Patchick/Elmore 1 (PaEl1) was discovered in January 2022 by Dana Patchick and David Elmore. It's currently thought that this object is a nova shell from the cataclysmic variable star SY Cancri. SY Cancri varies in magnitude from 10.5 to 14.5 over a period of 27.3 days. The size listed is 8 arc minutes, however the emission area measured in the image is larger at 18 arc minutes. This smaller size may have been a result of the original discovery image being not as deep as this one. The two inverted Ha and OIII images show that this object has both Ha and OIII emission. The OIII emission is much smaller and seems fainter although we only were able to acquire 4hrs of OIII due to imaging this late in the season. More OIII will be added next season.
The image was acquired by Jon Talbot and Calvin Carter using a Planewave Delta Rho 350 and ZWO ASI 461 camera from Deep Sky Observatories Collective in Ft Davis Texas.
Image Details
- Optics : Planewave Delta Rho 350
- Mount: Planewave L350
- Camera: ZWO ASI461
- Filters: Chroma 50mm square RGBHaOIII
- Exposure (min): RGB Ha OIII 50:50:50:616:240, 16.76 hrs, 2x2 binning
- Automation Control: The Sky X, Voyager, PrimaluceLab Eagle 5 pro, Planewave PWI 4
- Guiding: Unguided
- Processing Software: PixInsight,
- Location: Deep Sky Observatories Collective, Ft Davis Texas
- Sky: Typical SQM 21.6-21.8 , Bortle 2
- Date: 22 Apr - 3 Jun 2024